
Frimley drops subco plan

The welcome news has leaked out that Frimley Health is not going to go ahead with any further work on setting up a Wholly Owned Subsidiary.  Two years of effort by the trade unions have again paid off and staff will not be transferred out of the NHS against their will. 

I have worked for UNISON on more than 20 proposals for various WoCs across the country over the last 5 years.  It is worth reflecting on some of the lessons.

The Frimley proposals were running in parallel with those at Bradford. Both had been through the NHS Improvement process for validation and astonishingly Bradford had “passed”.  For Bradford this did not count for much, as after some intense round the table exchanges – ending with a face-to-face meeting with the Chief Executive and Chair – the proposal was dropped.

Full story in The Lowdown, 21 March 2021

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