
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae auctor nisl. Sed a nisi massa. Vivamus fringilla orci vel eros consequat, eget sagittis purus tristique. Maecenas non mi id turpis vulputate laoreet id vel velit. Curabitur commodo augue eros, vitae tincidunt nibh commodo et. In mauris odio, cursus a tristique nec, porta a erat. Cras commodo sed odio in facilisis.

Integer lobortis, purus sit amet dignissim ullamcorper, nisl nulla ornare sapien, eget interdum augue lectus ut nisl. Mauris auctor gravida luctus. Nulla nunc enim, finibus non enim at, mollis fermentum quam. Nulla interdum quis ante ac egestas. Proin pretium porta sem, vitae venenatis lectus semper a. Donec cursus neque et varius venenatis. Phasellus arcu purus, varius eget felis quis, bibendum finibus libero. Nulla posuere porta est at interdum.

Further Reading

NHS privatisation: will Colchester be the last time?

Electing a Labour government with its close links to the trade unions raises many expectations. The King’s Speech commitment to legislate policy around workers’ rights includes tackling decades of outsourcing, with ... Read more

Private cataract operations have hurt the NHS, say eye doctors

A survey of 200 eye doctors by the Centre for Health and the Public Interest (CHPI), shared with the Guardian, reports that the vast majority believe increased outsourcing of cataract ... Read more

Rolling back privatisation?

Few campaigners or union activists appear to have noticed or commented upon Labour’s Manifesto commitment to roll back privatisation in public services. Some of Labour’s manifesto promises go further than ... Read more

Leading private mental health provider to the NHS narrowly avoids liquidation

Active Care Group, a company owned by private equity that cares for hundreds of vulnerable patients for the NHS, has narrowly avoided going out of business. After months of escalating ... Read more

Income soars at private mental health firms

HSJ reports that Clinical Partners Limited and Psychiatry UK, two private companies that offer outsourced NHS assessments for ADHD and autism, have seen huge increases in income. The companies’ steep growth ... Read more

Trust in legal dispute over multi-million pound procurement deal

The HSJ reports that an arrangement between Alder Hey Children’s Foundation Trust and Procure Partnerships Framework Limited (PPFL),a procurement service provider, has been challenged in the High Court by rival ... Read more

Secret files reveal fears over future of NHS IT giant

The BBC reports that secret documents show a scramble to safeguard critical public services from the potential collapse of tech giant Atos, which works with billions of pounds worth of ... Read more

Secret plan to outsource Colchester services

East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust seems determined to outsource nonclinical support services at Colchester Hospital, 12 years after boasting of the Colchester trust’s success at bringing them back ... Read more

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