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Senior Government Figures Meet with Lobbying Group Funded by Private Healthcare

Byline Times reports that a government health minister and two senior officials held a meeting with a Westminster lobbying group funded by private healthcare firms. As previously revealed by Byline Times, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Healthcare Infrastructure is a lobbying group consisting of MPs and peers, sponsored by four private firms with a financial interest in health infrastructure.

The APPG held a meeting yesterday in Parliament on the subject of the ‘New Hospital Programme’ – the Government’s ostensible plan to revamp/build up to 48 hospitals by 2030, which formed a core plank of the Conservative Party’s 2019 election manifesto.

Yesterday’s meeting was attended by Lord Nick Markham, Under Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). He was joined by Natalie Forrest, the mandarin in charge of the New Hospital Programme; alongside Nick Smallwood, CEO of the Government’s Infrastructure and Projects Authority.

Full story in Byline Times, 11 January 2023

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